BCSPCA Does Not Endorse Political Candidates

The Bucks County SPCA is an independent community-supported 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and as such we DO NOT make political endorsements.

You may see campaign signs throughout Bucks County with an endorsement from the “Humane Society”. This is a reference to the Humane Society Legislative Fund which is a national lobbying organization with absolutely NO connection to Bucks County SPCA.

You can rest assured that your donations to the Bucks County SPCA are used to feed, shelter and care for animals – not to support political candidates.

We understand that it can be confusing because many animal welfare organizations share similar sounding names. It’s important to note that Bucks County SPCA is not a part of – and is not funded by – any national, state, or local animal welfare organizations (such as the ASPCA, PSPCA, MCSPCA, or HSUS). People are often surprised to learn that we do not get money from the ASPCA. Since our founding in 1912, we have operated as an independent nonprofit relying on donations from individuals who make our lifesaving work possible.

If you have questions, please call us at 215-794-7425. We are happy to talk with you!

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